fums Tag

hi. i wasn’t planning on blogging. in fact i’ve been planning this day for a while now. my anniversary…blogging never entered my mind…but you know i’m a writer and when shit starts spinning…i start writing. anyway. no. it’s not my 30 year wedding anniversary to my college sweetheart (although that is literally around the corner)...

Three days after I sent the above email (It’s verbatim minus any disparaging details and fuck that too as I am not allowed to disparage him, but he almost virtually destroyed me.) I heard from an attorney. Not a criminal defense attorney. A friend/lawyer kind of attorney and for the next six weeks I became...

my multi million dollar view. it started out with good intentions from the second i saw this home i wanted to live there. it just felt so peaceful. it felt like home. the privacy. the size. the views. the ability to merge two families with space for everyone…....

it was october… i was scheduled to go in for a routine skin check… you know living in AZ for 28 years and all… anyway… when the dermatologist… let’s call him “dr. keep your scalpel away from my face” stopped on the side of my nose and asked me what that was. i had no...

how i have found myself here again is beyond me? i thought when i quit smoking 15 years ago cold turkey after a 23 year habit i lessened my chances of hearing the word cancer…i knew it wasn’t an impossibility and to be honest i have one of the “easiest cancers to treat” go me!...

so. you would assume by the title and the way i spelled ruff that i’m going to write about my dog. i’m not. (see what happens when you assume :) ) i don’t have a dog. i would love a dog. i have enough to deal with right now. i do enjoy visits with my...