

house of errors…

builders. realtors. inspectors
what is wrong with this fireplace?

phoenix….i have a huge PSA 

for home buyers and realtors

i have been involved in something that has almost been worse than my assault last summer (that is so fucking sad. but very true) do not buy or show any homes with the name mike maguire. residential rehab. or birddogbuilder. attached to it. please check. they take advantage…cut corners…lie…don’t finish homes properly…misrepresent on the MLS…steal money without completing promised work…i didn’t buy a finished home (not entirely sure how it got on the MLS) they wrap fireplaces in wood…stick gas lines into pools….take all the money from the buyers…then delay and ignore and lie…and the lies were not just to me…so this isn’t my word against his

man. i’m so fucking tired of ‘men’ and i use that word loosely (because men wouldn’t act like this) behaving like pieces of shit…but then again there are some women i know that act like that too….

these people have harmed me…(treating my home like a construction site…sending men at all hours of the day and night and not letting me know???) so much trauma this twat waffle has caused…and he knew i was raped…he knew i needed a pool and he knew this house fit my yoga deck…

It is fucking october…i have lived in this house for eleven months…and considering i signed the pool contract the day i physically moved in 11/15/23 and it is now september – while i am writing…and all i have is a goddamn concrete shell. i haven’t had a place to sit anywhere since july…i have multiple sclerosis and this mother fucker has put every goddamn obstacle in my way to not getting me a pool…it’s one hundred and fucking ten again for a week!!! i will drop. try me….

i do NOT want anyone to go through what i have…it’s been the most challenging year of my life…trying to heal from assault by moving into a new home…fresh start…but the builder has been fucking me since i moved in…so he’s just as bad as my rapist…(if not worse tbh…my rapist only fucked me once…this guy has been fucking me continuously for a goddamn year…i’ve been in hell) please stay away from these people as they have no idea what they’re doing and i promise…they will cut every corner they can…yet take your money…over promise. lie…and then never deliver….or put you off for months and months and months…it wasn’t until i hired an attorney and told birddog that he had no trouble taking all my money back in october of last year yet kept putting me off over and over again…that he started to come fix all the things wrong with my house of errors…and that was seven months after i moved in…he’s not just a greedy asshole he lacks basic intelligence too…blatant lies…how did he think he was going to get away with misrepresenting the home with “a pristine backyard to create your private oasis… court” all fucking lies…he never put retention in and deliberately moved the gas line into the only place you could build a pool…and fucking lied…so many goddamn lies….and then made me pay to move the gas line…because he cheaped out from the get go

mike maguire
residential rehab
bird dog builders

If these names are anywhere on the home you are looking at. walk away…

no. just run….

namaste okay until someone fucks with me over and over and over and over

i have put out close to 50k fixing their fuckups on top of the ridiculous sum they took from me without hesitation last year…yet. they have fucked me by not completing the house…no retention was ever put in…and mike lied about that to my face and to my first pool builders face…just blatant fucking lies… he also lied about the gas line…to me and my second pool builder…and it’s location…the delays because of his ineptitude…his lies…and his greediness have almost put me in a wheelchair. his floor guys have been to my home 18 times…i wish i were exaggerating but i’m not. he had his landscaper do structural work on my home…i mean what in the actual fuck? he put the kitchen faucet on backwards…put nails into water lines…the a/c unit was un level for months…outlets not screwed in…dishwasher not attached properly…front door had to be rehung because he probably just had his landscaper hang it…cords just dangling from the water heater…no lock on the screen door…cracked shower tiles…primary shower leaks and no chance i’m letting him rip out the tile again…his painter showed up with his friends…wielding his paintbrush in one hand while talking on the phone with the other…no tarps laid down…i refused to let him back in my home…twat waffle sent three men to my home one night at 630 pm to fix the nails in the water line issue…i was terrified and had to call a friend to come over…he made me pay his engineer money to draw retention plans which should have come with the GODDAMN HOUSE… oh. and how can i forget how it all started. the idiot wrapped my gas fireplace in wood and when the owner of the fireplace company shows up at your house and says “that’s a lawsuit waiting to happen” you panic…they ripped the brand new fireplace apart and then cut a human size hole in the wall behind to fix it…this was a month after i moved in…the repairs still look horrid…the shower plate wasn’t screwed in…i couldn’t open my back gate for eight months without kicking it to open (he fixed that in a minute but took him months to do so) there are paint fuckups all over the house…he painted some of the window trim yet left the others so raw that you could cut your hand on the roughness underneath the doors and windows…my painter came and sanded most of that down as well…there are splatters and drips of paint everywhere inside the house…most of my kitchen cabinets are crooked…and i closed before i was ready because their hard money loan was about to roll over…i did them a goddamn favor and it cost me 11k…i wanted to close after i got home from watching my daughter get her doctor coat…pieces of absolute shit these people are…i can go on and on and on and on 

but i am exhausted…physically and emotionally

i have had strange men in and around my property almost daily for the last eleven months…what kind of person actually does that to someone who is living with PTSD recovering from an assault?

birddog has wrecked me…and prevented me from healing…

now it’s my turn…to fuck back

i am going to file a formal complaint with R.O.C. and i will sue the fuck out of you if you don’t reimburse me for the tens of thousands i have put out to fix your fuckups…i have cause and the damages have been extreme

and i did just scream your name from the rooftops like i said i would:)

fuck you birddog
i hope you never ever
build in this town again
and i will do everything
in my power to make that happen

thanks for listening to my home buying ted talk

julie blew
sept. 25, 2024

PS…there are a list of people that i would like to acknowledge as they worked tirelessly with me and for me to help me get my home and yard finished…they were all complete strangers to me…but they knew my story…my reasons for needing a pool and my home finished without people crawling all over it day in and day out…they tried to understand my illness and my assault and help me to the finish…they received my incessant micro managing emails phone calls and texts with patience and grace…love support and understanding…i received more support from the city of phoenix…presidential pools…swgas…brock excavation…underground pipeline…and sanctuary landscape than i have from my own fucking family and even some of my friends since all of this went down…it’s all good…life teaches you who your people are and i am so grateful to the ones that are helping me start over…

Presidential Pools
Larry Duffy
Scott Dilliam
Lucy Saenz

City of Phoenix
Sonia Montoya
Travis Tomich – the man
Frank Aguilar
and Jordan…the city inspector that did my final inspection and held me after i almost fell to the ground sobbing because i passed inspection after a year of hell…jordan. you are an amazing man. your family is lucky to have you. thank you

Brock Excavation 
Dave Brock…dug the hole…and told me he had my back no matter what I needed…and he meant it
strangers treating me better than family and friends….hmmm…i clearly need new people in my life

Nicole Foster
Bob Schoobi

Underground Pipeline
Nicholas Barrett

Sanctuary Landscape
Chad – owner of sanctuary that has personally tended to my project

First Leaf Construction 
Jeremy Holliday (actually not a stranger-does fantastic work) he dismantled the yoga deck in pv…moved it to phx…moved it around the yard a couple times to avoid it getting wrecked by idiocy…and will be remantling it soon:)

Seth Ryan (not a stranger)
he’s all the things. handyman…mover…painter….electrician…superb art hanger…really nice human being…

oh and Al…the man that’s gonna get me my money back:)

thank you all so much…my backyard is almost finished and i did get to enjoy my pool for about a week

now it’s time for a ginormous cold plunge party:) and you are all bringing your own goddamn food this time…i have places to sit at least lol

i have been in a personal hell for the last 16 months…hiding out…trying to recover from a lifetime of neglect and abuse…and trauma…i have had people crawling all over my space for a year…literally a year…i am not okay…but i am grateful for the handful of people that have kept me going plus all these amazing humans that helped me finish my move and my home a year after the purchase…check in on your friends you don’t hear from…we are not okay.

and if i forgot anyone – i’ve kept a list:) just know that i am grateful for you too…

oh…and the swans…some strange…some strange but I know them:) you guys keep lifting me up and loving me hard and i am so grateful…i’ll be subbing for all of you soon….and be back in your classes as well…promise xo


  • Kimberly Joy Lipson

    Reply November 1, 2024 12:28 pm

    You’re the best writer! So entertaining. I’m so sorry for the 11 months of hell. You didn’t deserve that. But u did just give me 11 minutes of entertainment reading this. And I am a realtor so it’s amazing to have this information so it doesn’t happen to someone else. I hope your justice is served and your tens of thousands of dollars are reimbursed. ILYSFM

  • Jodi Routhier

    Reply November 16, 2024 9:15 am

    I hope this reaches Everyone who (has or is ) worked with them and they have a moment of pause (then clarity)! You have an army of peeps that love you JB❤️

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